HiLook NVR-108MH-C-8P 8x PoE 8 通道 4K HDMI

HiLook货号: HI108MH-C

销售价格$251.00 AUD 正常价格$320.00 AUD


8路1U 8 PoE 4K NVR

  • 多达 8 路网络摄像机输入
  • H.265+/H.265/H.264+/H.264 视频格式
  • 高达1-ch@8 MP/3-ch@4 MP/6-ch@1080p解码能力
  • 高达 80 Mbps 传入带宽

隆重推出 **hilook 8 路 1U 8 PoE 4K NVR** – 以无与伦比的性能重新定义您的监控标准!

利用 hilook 8 通道 1U 8 PoE 4K 网络录像机 (NVR) 的先进功能提升您的安全基础设施。这款 NVR 的设计超出预期,以其卓越的功能和尖端技术重新定义了监控。


1. **扩展摄像头输入:** 全面覆盖,支持多达 8 路 IP 摄像头输入。轻松监控多个区域,确保监控策略中没有盲点。

2. **领先的视频压缩:** 在 H.265+/H.265/H.264+/H.264 视频格式方面保持领先地位。这些格式优化了存储利用率和带宽消耗,不影响视频质量。

3. **令人印象深刻的解码能力:** 通过无与伦比的解码能力体验流畅的视频播放。享受高达 1-ch@8 MP/3-ch@4 MP/6-ch@1080p 解码能力,为您提供准确生动的视觉效果。

4. **高带宽支持:** 通过高达 80 Mbps 的传入带宽无缝管理高数据量。即使在活动高峰期,这也可确保无缝视频流。

5. **以太网供电 (PoE) 集成:** 通过集成 PoE 支持简化安装。通过单根以太网电缆将摄像机直接连接到 NVR,从而减少电缆混乱和安装复杂性。

6. **4K 超高清分辨率:** 让自己沉浸在 4K 分辨率的清晰度中。见证监控源中无与伦比的细节和精确度,让您获得清晰的见解。

7. **时尚的 1U 外形:** 时尚紧凑的 1U 设计可优化空间,而不影响性能。将 NVR 无缝集成到您的设置中,无论是小型办公室还是大型设施。

8. **远程访问:** 通过远程访问功能随时随地保持连接。通过智能手机、平板电脑或计算机随时随地监控您的场所,确保实时感知。

9. **增强的安全措施:** 通过强大的安全功能保护您的监控数据,确保只有授权人员才能访问关键信息。

使用 hilook 8 通道 1U 8 PoE 4K NVR 将您的安全性提升到新的高度。无论您是要保护您的企业资产、监控公共空间还是保护您的家庭,这款 NVR 都能为您提供保持警惕和了解情况所需的技术。今天就选择 hilook 并重新定义您的监控标准。


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HiLook Powered by HIKVISION

Looking for high performance video surveillance at an affordable price? Check out HiLook - Hikvision’s offshoot brand that hits the bullseye for entry-level video surveillance with cost-effective, easy-to-use and reliable products and services for small- and medium-sized projects.

Featuring IP, analog, and transmission solutions, HiLook offers ideal choices for a wide range of basic security needs.

Moreover, you can now manage your HiLook devices with HiLookVision, the latest video management software, both on PC and on mobile. Tailor-made to be compatible with all front- and back-end products of HiLook, it offers functionalities like live view, video recording, remote search & playback, file backup, scheduled storage, and alarm management.

Core technologies

AI Analytics

AI analytics uses powerful algorithms to automate detection, categorization, and further examination of objects and movement in a camera's field of view.

Low-Lighting Imaging

Hikvision's ColorVu and DarkFighterX technologies render colorful and clear footage even in very dim light.

Ultra HD

8K solutions and LED displays empower users with the ability to zoom in on large scenes to view extremely small details without quality loss.

Multi-Dimensional Perception

Hikvision has explored new "sensing" technologies for outdoor environments, identifying events and providing more detailed information than conventional cameras can offer.

Multi-Lens Synergy

Cameras with multiple lenses can simultaneously deliver both panoramas and detailed, zoomed-in views in the same large scene.

Storage and Bandwidth

Security systems stay up and running smoothly and cost-effectively with Hikvision’s H.265+ compression, direct and smooth streaming, and scheduled backup technologies

Intrusion Verification as a Service

Alarms can be verified with reliable, real-time video when security events occur.

Ease of Installation

Installers and users save time and money on unnecessary cable installation by using devices that require only one cable and simple configuration.

The Most premium Budget CCTV

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